Wednesday, December 6, 2006

is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion...

"As the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion..." I would be interested to see this verified from a less tendentious source.

John Allen's follow up on Papal Trip to Turkey

"Shall the Fundamentalists Win?"A lengthy excerpt from a book about Christianity in the Southern Hemisphere.

Immigration and religious demographics.


Marcum said...

The Bigger - Better Deal $$
The influx of illegal immigration
equating into a strengthening of the Catholic church in the USA is a pipe dream. The hispanics coming across the border bring a huge amount of BAD bagage with them about what is Catholicism.
THey are coming here to get a slice off the decaying carcass of what's left of American prosperity (middle class), but not more Catholicism. THe USCCB power clerics see them as more customers but will have to bend to every cultural whim to keep them at a price that will continue to fracture the hope of meaningful unity in the faith (i.e, Mexican Catholcism, Philipino Catholicism, Afro-American Catholicism, see seminars in the East bay-Oak Diocese)
What about Roman Catholicism I say?
This dividing up by race and tongue is fatally protestant in its form.
In the midwest the hispanics are migrating strongly to evangelical churches and abandoning Catholicism. WHy? because they are more free, and they are getting a bigger and better deal.

Lepanto League Information Service said...

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: Tear down that fence, Mr. Bush!

Mr. Marcum: You have posited the worst case scenario.

But let's suppose that the vast majority of economists are correct that immigration at the current rate through the southern border is excellent for our economy. What are we Catholics to do regarding the predations of the Evangelicals that you mention?

By all means we need to reinforce ROMAN Catholic culture. But, apart from the aberration of the Irish Neo-Jansenist clergy that dominated in the U.S. for about a hundred years, the Church has usually been accommodating to ethnic and linguistic groups. Since our co-religionists are moving to the U.S. anyway, we would do well to support, celebrate and extend all those positive aspects of the Mexican incarnation of Catholicism. Don't you think?

Marcum said...

>But let's suppose that the vast majority of economists are correct that immigration at the current rate through the southern border is excellent for our economy<

Floods of new potential customers making the rich richer.
The economists are one-worlder globalists looking for the cheapest possible labor to compete with slave labor merchants. Thomas Friedman's book being the bible of the flat-earth econo philosophy with Wal-Mart the model of excellence. Common legal citizens of the US are being sold down the river by the open border sophists and capitalists.
Border crossing is good - if its legal. The good aspects of hispanic Catholic culture is to be honored, but not at the cost of breaking the system of civil law that governs the current citizens of the land. THe reason they are coming here is largely because the system at home is overwhelmingly corrupt and lawless. By allowing illegal open borders the same respect for law and order will follow them here. What is going to change them - the rigorous American Catholic formation, or the lust of materialism?
In short, the open borders argument seems like reasoning on acid. I for one, see it as a path to social madness.

Lepanto League Information Service said...

Perhaps then, you would support the idea of moving the border further south.