Wednesday, November 29, 2006

72,000 Lonely Virgins

This is, in a sense, about the birds and the bees, in that there may hopefully be a shortage of Mohammedan suicide bombers in the future, with consequent unemployment prospects for those virgins in Mohammedan Heaven.

Papal Visit et al.

Follow in detail the Pope's Trip to Turkey on the American Papist

Religion and Respect for Law
Religious faiths, particularly Protestantism, Catholicism, Asian Ethnoreligion, and Hinduism, have a positive effect on a nation’s respect for the rule of law and level of corruption, according to a Baylor University research paper.

Islam vs. McWorld - 2004 NCR Review of a Book on Secularism's Threat to Mohammedanism

The Pope and Radical Islam - another John Allen piece.

Media and religion in the Arab/Islamic World
"Let me sum it all up. Until recently, the media in the Arab/Islamic world by and large have tended to aggravate numerous political and religious pathologies through their disregard for truth and accuracy, a habit shaped by their literary and propagandist antecedents. They have been the least faithful to Islam’s own standards, leading to dangerous distortions of this religion."
The address made to the Pope by Turkey's Director of Religious Affairs. He puts the obligatory, albeit implicit threat of violence against anyone who points out that numerous Mohammedans commit violence in the name of their religion in this way:
"...we all regret to observe that during the recent times Islamophobia has been in escalation promoting such notions that the religion of Islam with its sources and history encourages violence, that Islam has spread by force of sword and that Muslims are potentially violent. I wish to make it known to all that each member of Islam whose name originates from peace, is very much deeply touched and offended by such accusations and claims which are not based on any historical fact and on any scientific research nor do they commensurate with any sense of justice and fairness. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that such accusations and attempts can only serve to encourage those who perform wrong-doings on behalf of religion by way of exploitation."
Dialogue of religions?
- Another Turkish Mohammedan's viewpoint.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Now stop whining about our beloved Catholic/Hispanic immigrants.

This article is getting a lot of play. European minorities torn between worlds - an anecdotal survey of cultural mishmash. See how good we have it? Now stop whining about our beloved Catholic/Hispanic immigrants.

More blogging on the Time article.

This blog exists to attack a variety of individuals and groups of "moderate" Mohammedans. Did you know that the Mohammedan nickname for moderates is "proggies"?

Interview with Damon Linker: Secular America Under Siege. This is about the theocons: Neuhaus, Novak, and Weigel.

Blog entry on the Mohammedan support for the Nazis.

Weigel: When Benedict XVI goes to Turkey, the media talk will be of Islam, but the pope's visit could advance religious liberty for Orthodox Christians.

John Allen: Both bemoaning the West's secularism, Benedict XIV and Mideast Muslims have a shot at true dialogue.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

And you may ask yourself:

And you may ask yourself
This is a secular state?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large Catholic Church?
And you may tell yourself
This is not equality of rights!
And you may tell yourself
This is not a European state!


A strange article on the ancient history and current situation in Abyssinia. Avert an East African Islamic Terror Volcano – Break down fake ‘Ethiopia’!

RECONSTRUCTION OF A GLOBAL CRISIS - How the Pope Angered the Muslim World

Conventual Franciscan Friar Martin Kmetecef describes Benedict XVI's forthcoming visit to Turkey as a "courageous gesture."

Nigerian Archbishop on Oil and the Common Good

Here are excerpts from a speech that Abuja Archbishop John Onaiyekan gave at a Nov. 2-3 gathering of the Catholic bishops' conference of Nigeria. The theme of the gathering was "Making Oil and Gas Wealth Serve the Common Good."

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Jihad Finds a Strange Advocate

Opinion/analysis by Sandro Magister on the recent La Civiltà Cattolica editorial.

Hobnobbing Nabobs

A regular conservativelonghairpalooza: America's Post-Secular Future.

That Wild and Wacky Former Archbishop

Archbishop rejects excommunication. Milingo reminds me of certain other bishops who are in denial as to their excommunication--but at least Milingo provides comical relief.

NCR on the Recent Meeting of Bishops

One can always count on the National Catholic Reporter to get it exactly wrong.

Wednesday Morning Clippings

Pro-life groups, lawmakers urge Amnesty to keep abortion neutrality

Pope trying to restore world's sense of faith and reason, Weigel says at U.N. conference

"Islam is to the 21st century what communism was to the 20th." said the priest who offered the traditional Mass at resurgent right-winger Le Pen's national convention. Tellingly, the photo has the enormous Le Pen campaign logo ABOVE the tabernacle/altar during Mass--this may suggest the hierarchy of values held by the National Front.

This Blog offers an "Anti-Christ Watch" who's who -- the blogger's picks for most anti-Christian leaders in Islam.

Analysis of the Mohammedan radicals who grew up in Europe.

John Allen on Rome's Visit to Byzantium

"Turkey poses daunting tests for Benedict"

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Interview with the High Priestess of the Episcopalians

Q. Episcopalians aren’t interested in replenishing their ranks by having children?

A. "No. It’s probably the opposite. "

Angry Unbearded Slogan-Chanting Christians

"Angry anti-Syrian protesters in the Christian town of Zahle in east Lebanon blocked streets and shouted slogans against Hezbollah.." I confess I have often wanted to do this myself. Syrian/Mohammedan forces seem intent on killing every Christian leader in Lebanon with a view to driving out all of the Christians in that unfortunate land.

Imams on a Plane

"They took us off the plane, humiliated us in a very disrespectful way," said Omar Shahin, one of the six clerics taken off a plane Monday. I don't exactly know how you would go about humiliating someone in a respectful way, but not to worry, the Council on American Islamic Relations is on the job...

Bottum's Big Essay Generating Discussion

First Things' Bottum published a very long essay on Catholic Culture recently, and the blogosphere chatter is on the rise.

Local SF Bay Area Items

Bishop Daniel Walsh of Santa Rosa is not going to jail.

And, some follow up regarding the ongoing situation at Most Holy Redeemer Parish in San Francisco. The Archbishop is to be commended for his swift and decisive action as soon as he heard of the planned "Bare Chest Bingo" in the parish's hall. As an encore, he might want to arrange some remedial catechesis for those responsible at the parish.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thin Pickins for News Today

On suicidal anti-breeding post-Christian societies.

Commentary on why Christians make lousy films.

Hussein's Death Sentence

The Vatican and Human Rights Watch seem to be on the same page regarding Hussein's death sentence.

Recent News and Blog Entries

The Lepanto League exists to spread Catholic Culture and to pray in particular for the conversion of our Mohammedan brethren. This is a periodic posting of recent articles or blog entries having to do with these matters.

must read - Cardinal Arinze on Latin in the post-conciliar Liturgy

aussie foot in mouth Imam: more commentary

piece on UN study of causes of Middle East tension

Book review of Mark Steyn’s American Alone: The End of the World as We Know It

Removing the veil? Anglican Archbishop of York?

On the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies

Long essay by Paul Johnson on... everything, just about.

Pre-analysis of Pope to Constantinople

Papal dialog with Mohammedan academic

The more-reasonable Mohammedan response to the Regensberg address

Analysis on how civilizations are swapping ideologies

Another Mohammedan perspective (love the beret's)

Thumbnail of the problems with Mohammedanism

A little humor

On the historical myth of tolerance in Mohammedan Spain

Naughty Mohammedan hackers

More on naughty Mohammedan hackers

On the perverse pervasity of Mohammedan violence against Christian churches